X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Enjoy! :cool


looks sick!

wow that looks awesome!

Seen the day the earth stood still. sucked :headbang this looks good though

I know there was another thread about this being leaked, but I decided to hold off and see it in the theater.
I thought it was pretty decent, anyone else see it this past weekend?

It was a good movie…

Ending indicates another to follow. :slight_smile:

I wish Gambit had more of a role in it. :frowning:

Saw this at the drive-ins. Awesome movie.

ya im sure u really watched the movie lol

Downloaded fuck FOX!

saw it the other day… it was good

a little to much copmuter animated stuff… now let me explain cause the movie is a movie about mutants so i know it’s a lot of C.G. stuff

one of the guys runs off a small little hill and jumps into a plain in mid-stride… looked VERY fake, like the guy doing the editing on that one need to take a pewp or something and had to finish the shot before he could leave his desk

then there is a part where logan is just destroying this ladder with his claws and it just looks REALLY REALLY fake… hard to explain but if you see it you’ll understand the point i’m trying to make, it kind of reminded me of a repeat jpeg signature thing

besides that tho the movie had a fairly well beging and a very good ending, but the middle kind of draged.

weapon 11 is a bad ass mother fucker tho

My feelings exactly +1

i gotz it on dvd :smiley: