X-men - Origins: Wolverine

Looks badass, 87fox just linked it to me, he’s my hero

Be sure to watch both parts I & II


what kinda fggts cheer at a movie.

i hate nerds.

nice… this will be a cool movie :tup:

the weapon X comics used to rule



They were cheering at Step Brothers last night…

On topic, this movie definitely looks good. Hopefully it will be better (and more violent) than Xmen 3 and rated R.

Great cast!

yeah, movie did look OK. i didn’t see xmen 2 or 3

looks decent…

and i’ve heard people cheer at the beginning of Jackass the Movie 1 and 2…and the Simpson’s movie…and both times i saw it to be fitting.

GAMBIT!!! Fucking finally!!! An xmen movie wiout a bunch of little crying emo faggots. I hope he fucks everyone!!

cheering for a movie is never fitting.

I wanted to kill everyone who did this during The Dark Knight

I will clap at the END of a movie if it’s REALLY good. I did with Speed Racer.

Speed Racer was awful.

I laugh at people that clap at the end of a movie, thinking the director/actors will hear you are something?

It’s giving recognition for a great achievment. I don’t care if they can hear me or not. I yell at the TV when my <Local Sports Team> doesn’t do what I want them to do as I am sure many others (you included probably) do. Can they hear me, no, but I do it anyway. :slight_smile:

hahaah, speed racer is fucking dumb, i cant believe anyone would go see it

the link wont work for me. :gotme: it says invalid id?

Ya link is killed

ok i found a working link…omg that movie is going to be AMAZING!

can any one post a WORKING link ?


97FormulaWS-6 was just telling me about this, could be interesting. Comic titles have been killing it at the box office lately :tup: