metallurgy classes around WNY?

Are there any short classes for metallurgy offered anywhere around WNY?
PA, OH… whatever…
Prefer close, but meh.

I tried searching around for them and checking metallurgy sites, but I can’t come up with anything.
I’m not talking about like… a 6 month program or college course or anything like that.
More like a few days a week for 3 weeks or something kind of class offered at a high school or tech school of some sort.

Anyone know of anything?
Or where I can call to find out?

Alfred has a metallurgy program i think, clarkson maybe?

My old roomate worked for a small heat-treating place. They needed extensive training in metallurgy. Call a heat treating place and ask them where they send their employees. Here is a local place:

wow i just realized i totally fucking spaced out reading your post… i did not even see you say not a university. sorry, don’t know. :frowning:

will do, thanks. =]
never thought of that, lol.

np chino =]