Miami condo / home rentals

Hey gents,

Anyone have connections to vacation rentals in the Miami area?

I have something on the gulf coast but not available the week in march I’m wanting. Looking for something that will accommodate 6-8 people.


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Hey Bing, good friends of mine own a couple places in Florida on the Gulf Coast. I am seeing them tomorrow for the game & will ask them what they have available if you would like. I don’t believe they have anything in the Miami area though. What dates in March were you looking at?

we usually stay on the gulf side since i have a close friend who has a place he hooks us up with. Since we’re doing more of a family thing (siblings, parents) we’re going to try the miami side.

let me know if they have something on that side and i’ll get in touch with them.

Hi Bing, I checked with my friends yesterday and they have 3 different places in Florida. Unfortunately, they are all on the gulf coast.

okay, thanks anyways