Micah needs your votes


vote a “10” … trying to get my pic on a Jones Soda Label … dont be a G and vote a 1, i really wanna try and get on there thanks http://teckeast.com/forums/images/smilies/clap.gif

where did you take that photo??? it looks awesome


hope ya win :tup:


g00se tie fighter


pic taken in BangKOK, thailand


i vote for me not being in butch’s sig anymore

Voted, good luck hope ya win :slight_smile: btw the pic is amazing


you have other pics like this i might be able to get a look at i like putting photos like that together as screen savers and such

original pic

![http://www.micahweber.com/portfolio/Bangkok, Thailand/statuedrop.jpg](http://www.micahweber.com/portfolio/Bangkok, Thailand/statuedrop.jpg)


you have other pics like this i might be able to get a look at i like putting photos like that together as screen savers and such


hey man go to my site and enjoy~ www.micahweber.com

voted. best of luck


hey man go to my site and enjoy~ www.micahweber.com


thanks dude awesome photos so far:tup:


Voted, good luck sir.

Voted and it when from 9.75 to 9.76.
Went and deleted history and tried to vote again and when I went to the link it said 9.55?Must have some dick that voted 0

Tell ya what I’ll do, I’ll sign on all the GM pcs tonight that I can(should be different IP’s right)and throw like 10-15 10’s on there for ya

awesome D, yea theres a few people who voted 0s and 1s… i figured that would happen

im gonna myspace bulletin it up tonite
