Michael Jackson Died

R.I.P MJ!!

okay im sorry for making it sound like it was okay when its not… my bad. i dont mean to sound like a jerk to you cause i dont know you, but man you have to respect all he did and still to this day MJ style still in affect in the music industry

Hey like I said, I can’t argue with his contributions to the world of music, he was a legend and always will be, I just get pissed off at all the hype about his death. He’s no better or different than anyone else.

I didn’t mean to sound so callous I suppose, because it was the loss of a human life, but I still stand by my statement.

I still don’t think he was a child molester. IMO, he always had a very innocent view of the world, and was very child-like himself. I shall mourn his death by bumping his music in my car for a week.

This just goes to show that alot of us just need to grow up. The man is dead. there is a time and place for everything. He is in GODS hands now. He who is without sin cast the first stone. R I P M.J

I don’t see anyone throwing stones in here.

He’s in God’s judgment. Whether he’s in his hands or not is probably going to remain a mystery until we’re standing there ourselves.


micheal jackson = dirt nap





ps. 3rd flip guy to post consecutively!


the man was a music icon… and to die at 50 would suck… rip Michael.
when ever i hear Billy Jean its stuck in my head for days.

Well he was never convicted though. But maybe it’s like OJ Simpson’s case? Either way, in my opinion, he didn’t do it. Like Solarian mentioned, MJ himself seemed so innocent and child-like himself.

I believe he was just trying to be a kid again although he was already this old. (He didn’t have a good childhood)

^^^^^^^ your pissed cause he didnt touch you, and he never will



Jacko touches Mark in his dreams…

Is that not good enough Mark!?!

I always touch myself and pretend that it’s MJ. :slight_smile:

I wish Farmer would touch me too. I’ve always dreamed of him planting his seeds inside me.

But he has kids, he know’s how to fuck.


In accordance with Michael Jackson’s will, little boys’ pants shall be flown at half-mast today.

