Microsoft Surface.

I can not believe this hasn’t come up somewhere on ps.

This hopefully will be integrated to everything we do in the future. This technology is just amazing.
The things we will be able to do with this new technology (should say new its been out for awhile) is practically endless.

looks pretty gay. :dunno:

windows 98SE FTW. :smiley:

looks amazing, I saw that about 6 months ago on honda-tech, they’re gonna make bill gates even richer. apparently its a bunch of really small camera’s that do all of the work

yeah… it’s basically a tablet PC refined into a table…lol

looks sweet… there are going to be local tech shows that they will be showing it at… you can go F around with it… I’ll get some pictures when i come across one. i’ve started talking the resident AV guy into purchasing one… we’re pushing to get a demo… rfid > bluetooth

I saw this last year. It wasn’t a commercial product, though.

nice, me and a couple teachers here our coming up with a proposal to see if we can get one in my school. Or at least a demo of it to bring to our school. Will see what happens.

it’s 16k and not proven to be 100% functional yet… lol

i heard rumors of 10k :dunno:

it’s 5k - 15k depending on ‘options’… we just spec’d it out… i lit a fire under av guy and he already wrote the proposal… our TAM in coming in tomorrow to talk about it’s availability… so i’ll keep you in the loop…

wow…looks pretty cool
