might do some good?

Prices on plastic are bound to go up. You do realize most plastic is made from petroleum right?

If people follow this, here’s my forecast:

May 14: Double sales
May 15: 50-75% of regular sales
May 16: Double sales.

But since no one is going to, I’d expect to see normal sales.

I agree maybe a 2 day or more would work

maybe pigs CAN fly

I’ve been screaming about Biodiesel for at least 2 years now. :mad:

by tank I assume you mean your stomach, filled with the steaming loads of transvestite negroes?

:crying: :crying: Yea, but no one ever listens to anything that you say…:bluez28:

if by biodiesel you mean pittspeed moderator, and by atleast 2 years now, you mean 4 years and still fruitless, then yes, you are correct.

I think that might be a tiny bit of ownege :dunno:

I think if everyone with a HUGE truck/ HUGE suv were to keep those vehicles on a back burner and buy a smaller more fuel efficient car as a daily driver… that could help us a little. If I have 6 kids- Yes, I would buy a larger car. HOWEVER, if I was on my way to work at 7 am and ALONE I would NOT drive a huge vehicle to and from work. That would be pointless. Besides- Hasnt anyone noticed that for the pst 100 years gasoline goes Waaay up every summer? Its unavoidable. Oh well. . . Time to go fill up on more 93/94.

It’s america, still cheaper than englands Petro :kekegay: