I got a text today…about 2 hrs ago from a # I dont know saying to forward this text to everyone I know.
It said not to buy gas May 2nd in protest.
anyone else get this?
I got a text today…about 2 hrs ago from a # I dont know saying to forward this text to everyone I know.
It said not to buy gas May 2nd in protest.
anyone else get this?
yeah I got one about an hour or so ago.
lol same here. if we all protest gas on may 2nd we will have to fill up on may3rd instead giving them record highs for may 3rd.lol either way mothers are still gunna pick up the children and school busses are still going to be out the world will continue to turn. blah blah blah.
pointless text/
haha i got it yesterday
i got one it said something about how america will lose 70 billion how would the US lose money and why would you want that. Oh we fucked the US over yeah, oh shit taxes went up ugh
got it yesterday and today from different numbers.
Texted them back saying they were stupid and everyone who dosent buy it friday will buy it saturday or sunday, So it didnt hurt anyone.
Then to buy gas from the reservation, which cuts one Tax out.
LOL, I’ll boycott gas.
Geoff, you are gonna have to push us back from florida
as gay and dumb as these are, i’d actually like to see it happen just to see what happens.
then, all the gas companys fight back and fuck all the citizens by closing their pumps for a week
Yeah…noone buy gas on that day…see where the prices are at the next day.
People with the $ have the power…you dont mess with that.
the number of people on the road is down tho, I wonder how many people have said fuck driving for the most part because of this.
How many people on here still drive just to drive, go cruising or whatever?
or has everyone stripped it down to only esential driving?
im gonna fill up every gas can and car i have
i got 3 texts all saying it in a matter of 30 min sorry but if i need gas im getting gas
I drive an 84 carbed TA…I got no choice but to get gas on the 2nd…its friday…thats when I cash my check.
Would it make any difference if nobody bought gas from a certain company?
i.e. No one bought gas from citgo for a week.What would happen?
when are people gonna stop believing that this will actually work… they texted/emailed
the same crap last year too
The stupidity in here is mind numbing.
Shifting demand to the day before or the day after does nothing.
Boycotting one company does nothing, since gasoline is sold as a commodity.
That’s as far as I’ll go. You want more details go search on google, or even this very site since we go into these details once every couple of months when some new fuckwad thinks he’s found the easy answer to high gas prices.
i got two today , eh i dont care if it works or not ill just get gas thursday.
I got one from an ex girlfiend, i responded and called her a superstitious cunt