Mike! voltron needs to do diiiiiiiiiiiiis!

winner is sent to tsukuba to compete against the real competition(japanese subaru tuners)

do it

LOL, I was at the shop today and thought about mentioning this maybe for next year…

Where’s that Jesse photoshop…


You might need to hire a hotshoe though. All the top teams will have one.

I’d drive…may not be the greatest driver, but on short notice you take what you can get :wink:

I already missed the two qualifying events so it’s not even an option. Sounds very cool though. :tup:

Gary Sheehan will likely be called to drive the ESX/Subaru USA time attack car.

i love this picture


i love this picture


what a ricer he painted his rotors orange

painted the inside of his muffler too

The East coast event is going on as we speak. this weekend at VIR.

i ran out of time off this summer.


my car from last year is even on the RallyX page.


Its my creation so I had to post it.



i love this picture


I had similar rotors at dunville last month.