Leaving the base to go on a raid!
stationed in Korea when you deployed?
God no :rofl…2IDs main effort is stationed at Ft lewis WA
So much better… lol
Not a whole lot better but at least your in the states :lol
Read my sig bitches…
rep rep rep rep rep
Awesome pics USMC and Teg.
No more carrier pics for you… dick
Some more pics from my deployment in 2010
:rofl and Mafdark.
and I guess AVB. Avb is winning now guys :lol
Moral of the story is dont inplace IEDs :lol
A lot of awesome dudes in this thread…
Sickening how young you guys look… But taking care of a country like men.
A lot of awesome dudes in this thread…
Sickening how young you guys look… But taking care of a country like men.
I was 21 when i was there.
Ditto, I was 21 when I went to Iraq.
When I was 18 in the barracks in Okinawa. Looking like a little kid, makes me LOL at how young I looked.
you look like 90% of the guys I worked with. lol
I want to post up more of my stuff but its very current and shows a lot of faces of local people, I can’t help but feeling like it would be a bit disrespectful to those who are in them.
Here are a couple that don’t give away too much. If anyone want too see some “off roading” videos let me know and I’ll send you a link.
moving to link up w/police as a fuel convoy passes.
Fuel convoy sprayed with bullets and RPG’d
House searches
fuel convoy