Mini doberman

Male, 2yrs old, neutered, all shots. Good dog needs good home. Paper trained or will go outside. Good with kids, other dogs, and even cats. Was $1000. All papers included. ASKING $200!!!
Please PM me any questions.

why are you trying to get rid of?

mostly cuz no1 is home alot i believe …

its a aight dog, fucker is fast when slowmaro91rs plays with him in the house & in the yard the dog schools him :rofl:

times must be rough. i dont think i could ever sell my dog

miniture doberman or miniture pincher there a huge difference.

Pincher i believe. Sorry, didn’t know there was a difference.

Exactly right. Little dogs need a lot of attention. Nobody is here most of the time.

umm arent they the same? arent dobermans called doberman pinchers?

That’s what I thought too.

yes, but miniture pincheure are of no relation to doberman pinchers. minitures are a terrier.

i used to raise and breed miniture pinchers. they look the same, but are from a differnet family. they are a terrier like the taco bell dog

Guess that would explain how I ended up with a Basset Hound :rofl: just kidding

Either way he’s for sale. Less talk of what he is and more buying. lol

where are the pictures

If anyone is seriously interested in buying this dog pm me your email. I will send pics to anyone that wants them. I AM NOT POSTING THEM ON HERE. I don’t mean to be rude or anything, I’m just tired of people that could care less about buying a dog posting on my thread for no reason. It’s a waste of my time. For anyone who is serious though I will send pics and answer any questions. Thank you.

posting the pics tho will help tho sam

I’m not worried about that at all. I already got several replies through pm just as I asked. The only reason I’m not posting pics in here is because too many people will post useless comments. This post is only here to sell this dog, not to have conversation all day.


obviously u can’t read huh ?
