Miniatura Grigio Lamborghini *27 photos*

Now that I have your attention… :rofl

I’ve wanted to shoot one of these for a long time. The rental car place here had a white one for a couple days, I almost rented it just to shoot it - however Big_Reds girlfriends brother happens to own this one, so that worked out nicely. The car is packed full of little details, however I think the Mini Cooper is still a more fun car to photograph due to its dash layout.


that thing looks sharp! and nice pics as always:) cant wait to get my body work this spring!!! cant wait to get some pics with fresh paintjob!

i opened this thread thinking ‘oooooh some new fancy-ass lambo’
fiat 500 DOES NOT > LAMBO.

Almost negged you. Might still.


huge let down

BUT those cars are cool i wanna drive one, but that damn thing needs more LOW

Something about them makes me absolutely hate them. And I have no idea why. Pics are very nicely done as always though!

thread title would only be acceptable if it was the abarth version.

Where’s J-Lo?

she couldn’t be bothered for this either so the body double had to be used again.

I heard the “Abarth” version can do 0-60 in 8’s, closely matching my mom’s 1994 740 turbo’s performance…:rofl

lolol, everyone hates this thing so much.

:lol @ thread


When the Abarth version hits the US market, I am considering trading in the M for that little car. The Abarth version is SWEET. I know it’ll be a step down, but still. Awesome little car.

Nice pics dude.

oh ya thats true, if you would buy this, you need to buy the adbarth

Even KBB mad editing skillz cant make this car look good.

its just way too high off the ground

Abarth version that’s not available here yet:

WANT! :excited

oh yeahhhhhhhhhh

I’ve wanted the abarth since I saw it on topgear. I test drove the 500 sport, its a fucking go kart, but is slow. Fun because you can just cut the wheel at speed, seems to stop decently, but needs another 40hp. The abarth is goung to have an extra 60 or so, which should fix that problem.

and it comes pre-riced! yay!

It’s going to be available, supposedly, first quarter of 2012. Probably around Feb./March. Just in time for Spring.

I am seriously considering going to drive one and maybe trading in the M for it.