Minor ding/dent removal...

I know there’s the occasional NYSpeed Dent Removal meets on here typically during the summer…but i’m looking to have it done now, i have 2 or 3 small dime and nickle sized dings in my hood that i want taken care of before i paint it. It’s a very thin and light aluminum so shouldn’t be hard to do…

just looking for names, numbers, places, and if possible, quotes/quesstimates on a price i’d be lookin at…i’d post pics of what i need taken care of, but the car it all covered up and i dont feel like untieing everything and taking the cover off just for that reason, sorry.

i would tell you robels in lackawanna he does some sick custom paint work too but he just closed his doors to retirement

The info for the guy that did the Dent removal meets Lafengas set up is in his thread I beleive. Do a search for it.

werd, and he does a great job. :tup: