Misleading Remote Start Advertisement Techniques Revealed

wow i was unaware that circuit had to solder the connections, thats crappy, i wouldnt want mine soldered thats for certain.

All I can say is, anytime I get a “sure thing” or 45min install… something comes up… like yesterday for example, a 2004 Rodeo, its a “Sure thing” meaning ill be done in less than an hour… until… the vehicle is of the 1% that require a bypass… now i just went to 1:45 due to delays in diagnostics, and calling tech (Called tech cause i have never seen a rodeo need a bypass)
Now you claim the 45min install, is that in car time, or does that include bench wiring, dash break down, reassembly etc…
Also, like i said in my initial post, i take my time, and i am very throughout, my labor rate at the shop is 50/65 per hour, and i bill 89 TOTAL labor rate for 90% of the remote starts i install, no extra for the bypass, no extra for door locks. so even if i pull one out in 2 hours im still billing 44.50/hr labor rate.

Another thing is yes they are selling a 99 remote start only BUT the sign is misleading, and my customers say “Holy Sh!t your expensive, i seen a sign that said 99 remote start installed” then i have to try to explain to them that its a bait and switch, then they dont believe me anyways, lol.

Joe i appreciate you quoting that, i made a call and spoke with somebody at a box store, that’s where i got my numbers from, might i add they transferred me 4 times, and i was on the phone for a total of 35 minutes before i got my quote… for a 2000 silverado, with keyless, lol