
What I don’t understand, is how he left the lakeview monday night, was then found off a logging trail in a burned up truck. Just seems off to me.

We will probably never know… Maybee he took the truck off roading after the bar and was having fun. Whatever it was hopefully he didn’t suffer. Truly sad.

seems a little too strange to be an accident. Doesnt make sense that he would crash and burn in the middle of the woods.


That article adds a little more info about why he was in the woods. Must have been a little tipsy and felt like doing some offroading. Whatever happened its a sad story.RIP

RIP, sorry for your loss OP.

makes more sense now. Still shitty though.

Wow that’s awful. RIP.

What an incredibly shitty situation, right here at the holidays too. My condolences to the friends and family. :frowning:

This is a truly sad story and really a big mystery at this point. His truck and body were pulled out of the woods which is on my property. That house in the video up on the hill at the end of Hayes road is my house. We have 330 acres behind it and he was about maybe 1/4 mile up from my driveway. So said hunter who allegedly found him was illegally trespassing on our property which is another issue. But not nearly as important as the death of this man. No clue how he knew our property or why he was up there. It was a really strange sight waking up to 10 state police cars surrounding my house this AM. Never the less my condolences to his family and quickLT1 and other loved ones. I’m sure we will find out more as the investigation continues.

Disnt realize you lived out there Frank, we have our lakehouse on crooked lake.

Did you read what the hunter said to the news in that article. Unreal.

holy shit this is crazy.

Yeah that dude is kind of a dick… Hunt somewhere else for a while.

Just read the article, so sorry for all his family and friends. Hopefully he was enjoying some off roadin’ and didn’t suffer at all… RIP.

Definitely sad to hear. And unfortunately we will probably see the whole investigation ‘solved’ as an accident without it ever truly being investigated… similar to that disappearance a while ago of the guy from the Albany bars. I remember reading the updates from the family about all the inconsistencies and they just refused to investigate further. It seems like most investigators out there just look for the quickest solution and move on.
My condolences to his family and friends and I hope they get real true closure.

Yea man that guy is a grade A looney tune. We have the right to have him arrested the first step he takes on our property. It’s been an ongoing problem. We might be pressing charges this time around. What a dick he is saying that really. The bucks chasing the doe up there shouldn’t be his problem since he isn’t allowed up there in the first place. Clearly shows he has been up there more than just today. Another problem to worry about now. Scary to think especially because our baby boy 1.5 year old outside playing all the time.

Press charges.

yea id bury that guy in the legal system

And he’s blatantly admitting on video that he’s trespassing by saying he’s been up there.

To me it doesn’t add up either.