Exactly, and sadly I’m sure they will just chalk it up to driving drunk and never really look into it. And I’m sure the media will try to make example of him and run his memory through the mud.

Autopsy is today, hopefully they find an answer for the family. All of it just doesnt seem to add up. Im not Det Grism but, just seems weird.

I heard this on the radio this morning and my heart sank. I am sorry for your loss man.

Sounds like he was a little tipsy and decided to go wheeling or maybe even camp out in the truck that night. Got stuck and probably passed out with it running to keep the heat on. It said he hit a stone wall, and the pic looks like the front end is smooshed in, it could have pinched a wire or something and caused the fire. Just sounds like mistakes, highly doubt it was much more than that.

Either way I am sorry to hear about this. RIP to him and condolances to the family and friends.

Frank, put up posted signs around your property man, and arm yourself if you arnt already. Protect your family, priority #1 man. And press charges for sure againt those hunters. It seems from talking to friends and people around hunting, very little of them care about where they are hiding in the brush to wack a deer. If they dont ask permission, they dont have respect for you, your family or your property.

Frank, definitely press charges. That hunter is obviously a dick, I’d press charges simply on the comments he made. AFAIC that guy can fuck right off.

So sorry to hear of your loss OP. I’m assuming and praying that when the truck hit the wall he was immediately knocked out and he didn’t suffer. Sucks, RIP.

wtfff is going on here, how does no one else think that this is rediculously strange? This isnt the movies, when does a guy go to a bar all alone and who the fuck goes 4 wheeling by themselves miles and miles away after getting fucked up… This is so fucking wierd… maybe it was an accident, but I think someone was with him, got scared and bounced.

This. Nothing even remotely adds up.

Wow, really sorry to hear this. Condolences to his family and Brad.

Also with how truck looked who misses a fire that big or smoldering fire the next day? And it never caught anything else in the wooded area on fire?

Eric his brother ive known for yrs ryan ive only met a few times but hes def a nice guy

Yeah, for sure. The whole thing doesnt make sense.

I think it is more about people not wanting to make accusations or bring up something that could be worse for a fellow Shift member. Basically letting all the evidence and investigation play out before putting bad (uneducated to the real situation) thoughts into a fellow members thoughts. Since this is effecting actual members, seems to me (correctly) people are taking the high road and hoping for the best in this situation, which would be an accident and not something more sinister. Anything, that anyone posts on here as to knowing or thinking they know what happened is a complete guess at this point. If someone actually has real information they should not be posting it here but calling the authorities to help them out.

Typically, I think it would be fine for people to make their opinions known about what they think happened. The wild accusations that happen on Shift are one of the main reasons I love reading things here. But when it effects one of our own so directly, a line should be drawn. So just let it play out then we can have 4000 replies on the outcome.

In the meantime, my thoughts go out to family and friends effected.

Especially driving from Lake view, to Nassau if he was as intoxicated as they say he was. There are TONS of troopers on 66, 9, 150 and going through Nassau you practiaclly are destined to get pulled over at night. Just seems to weird to of just caught on fire and he didnt get out in time. Somethings telling me there was a pit stop made somewhere.

Did ryan smoke?

it isnt really that hard to see what very well could have happened. Its not that hard to make it, what did they say 9 miles, away from the bar he was last seen at to there? Decide for what ever reason to go up into the logging trail, hit something and pass out. Maybe he wasnt wearing his seatbelt and hit his head and that knocked him out. Being drunk and knocked out, there isnt a whole lot that will wake you up on your own. If he smokes, good chance the cig could have been knocked out of his mouth on impact and started something on fire in the truck. Get cell phone logs and find out who contacted him last, talk to people who saw him that night. When you are young and intoxicated, one thing leads to another and seems like a good idea at the time. He could have been driving home and remembered some old logging trail up there and said, hummm, lets go have a look.

Slow, the truck could have went up and burned out on its own by the time daylight came around. if its up in the woods, there isnt a chance of seeing the smoke at night, and if its out by day break, there isnt much left to see either. And depending on the exact location and conditions, its very probable not to catch anything else on fire. Hell my own fire pit at my house is 10 feet from a big tree, and 30 feet from the woods if that, and I have had 25’ flames from bonfires in that thing… nothing spread.

shit happens, pointing fingers at unknown parties blindly is easier than assuming it was a bad chain of mistakes I guess.

KK Holmes…

Becasue I am the one with the giant magnifying glass, is my eye big?


Good, good, that means progress.

I’ve personally seen a truck that’s intentionally been torched in the woods before with 5-gallons of gas. I think it’s safe to say the gas tank ruptured on his truck.

Of course we don’t know what the area looks like where he crashed and none of us are certified accident investigators so our ideas are just ideas.

Again, sorry for your loss, Brad.

i’ve seen lots of offroad related fires. most common cause in my experience is power steering fluid. just a little gets on something hot and it ignites easily.

could be a number of things though… gas, leaves stuck up under the truck, cigarette, battery cable arcing on the hood…

people used to burn cars and trucks all the time at a pond by my house and I never noticed anything. At one point there were about 8 cars and trucks back there before the hippies complained and the city cleaned the place up. People used to take beater cars back there and trash them and then torch them and run them over with other beaters. One of the Rangers back there was about a foot tall.

Ive also driven quite a distance when I was less than sober late at night and never once got stopped and at times I was the only car on the road.

i dont see what some of you guys are talking about that its not adding up…

is it that outlandish to go offroading especially after a night of drinking(not making acquisitions that he was.)? What are you guys a bunch of homos that never got out of the house? Not trying to be a detective but it seems like a accident and he was having some fun. Like i said before, Hopefully he didnt suffer and r.i.p.

bro, do u just hop in your truck and go for a night on the town all by urself? and then say hey, im waisted, let me go 4 wheeling in the woods all alone, thats real fun… Thats wierd as shit…

ive never lived out there and i dont own a truck, so i cant say. trust me ive done shit on streets of albany in my cars that i shouldnt have.

Dave, you out of all people cant talk.