MJOLNIR! Is the name.

So my band, a group of my friends that just restarted. are trying to come up for a name for ourselves and are at a loss.

So we are a Rock/Metal ish band and just throw whatever you can think of on here.

All input is appreciated.

Contact Precautions, Buttered Side Down, and another good one would be “One Word”

Do you need us to write your songs too?


Do you need us to write your songs too?


you couldn’t write a song if your life depended on it.

are u serious? because I am pretty sure I could relatively easily.


Songs we got down, we just need a solid name.

Disturbed 2 : Return of the FBods :clap:

Post up some music

Free Beer. Put that on a billboard and your guarenteed a packed house.

Skinny Pancake

Man Jam.

Van by the River

the electric shoes

the speeders

whats the point of a band name if you dont come up with it yourself?


the generics

The Wonders.



The Wonders.


The Oneders

The O Needers??