Mmm Ferrari

The nissan 240Sx has a similar body has a ferrari.
only a person who is very familiar with a ferrari can tell is not.
I had have porsches, aston martin, even ferrari’s driving on my side
and they had said to me, Ohh! thats a smaller older model right?
Of course a reply, Yep!


Hahahaha so all he did was stick some badges, a steering wheel and crappy taillights on? I love it!

Wow, what a tool. He should be shot. :butthead:

Yup. For future reference: Putting Corvette tail lights on a Nissan will not create a Ferrari.

LoL, ‘I Forgot to mencione that the front side markers where’ I-talian pronunciation too? that speedo looks a little off.

i wanna throw up at the site of those horrible taillights on that car :vom:

his comments are awesome …

Kill it with fire! :finga: Sweet cleansing fire kills all.

Poor vert