mmmm i cant wait to try horse meat

Anyone else excited about this? My gf is really upset about it… I told her Danny (her horse) is getting old, and now when he dies we can just have him turned into sausages!

Nothing screams great depression like slaughtering horses for meat! am I right?

Can you make me some horse jerky???

I’ve had horse meat plenty of times when I went to Italy like I did when I went in August. It’s really good.

Can you buy horse meat anywhere legally?

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gross. my grandma used to feed me it when i was a little kid. bitch


horse meat’s fucking tough, they sell it in europe

I was referring to this, it just became legal again -

Very ecologically sound. Never tried it. Had Bear, Elk, Deer, Pheasant, and just about everything else. Got me curious.

I had horse when I was in Europe, tasted great.

I have a moose steak thawing now, can’t wait to grill it up tonight

This :tup: