Mod Chip For Wii

pending confirmation… nice

i would prefer solderless but cool if true

wow thats fast if it really works!

you probably wanted an auto in your sti too

nice first effort, but mostly useless. It’ll let you play backups, but doesnt break the region-coding of the backups. So you still cant play the grey market imports, you can i guess DL the games and burn them.

How is it mostly useless if you can play copied games? I think it has value. “My game collection powered by Blockbuster.”

ide much rather wait until they come out with a mod-chip that allows homebrew apps

So? But i did do my xbox it worked ok except they sent me a bad chip so i thought i fucked it up and tried getting it to work for weeks until i bought another solderless chip and it worked the first time. The first chip was confirmed bad though.

it has built in wireless, and an HD. the controller has already been hacked on xp/osx/*nix. it has a built in broswer, available retro controller (holy roms!). So I see being able to play copied games as a “nice first effort”. But in terms of the mods that, say, xbox was able to achieve eventually its “mostly useless”.