Someone to mod a wii

Looking for a Wiimod.
I would do it, but it’s my girlfriends and i don’t want to fuck it up!
im sure there’s a nerd thread saying how to… but meh.

looking for someone to mod it so it can play burned dvds basically.
ill pay whatever the mod costs + meh.

:snky: pm for details

I wouldn’t pay anyone much to do this,it takes like 10 minutes and all you need is a SD Card.

and the right game, which is zelda if i remember correctly.

I was reading that you had to solder some chip in there.
guess i read the wrong thing?
so i need to buy zelda?

well it depends on the mod you want. the only mod ive heard of is installing the homebrew channel and then running all the downloaded games off of the SD card.

yea, that’s what i’ve seen now versus the mod chip ones.
appears this one i can do myself however. :]


i know this is supposed to be easy but im looking for any info you guys may have on the usb loader gx??? my friends has it said he bought it on ebay but he doesnt know squat about video games or electronics for that matter, i googled it but havent found much in results wise all i know is it has 500+ wii games and ill never have to buy another wii game, any info would be helpful, i searched ebay to no avail maybe im searching for the wrong keyword?

No soldering and you can rip the games using the Wii.