Modding the Wii

does anyone here do them or know of someone who does. please Pm me.

my friend is selling a mod chip. pm me and ill give you his aim sn.

My personal opinion…If any company out there deserves customers to actually buy their games, its nintendo.


I disagree, based upon their treatment of the emulation community and their practices of censorship of cross-platform games. Remember what they did to Mortal Kombat for the SNES?

Fuck Nintendo. Pirate everything they make.

what does a mod chip for wii allow me to do? play burnt games? is it going to be set up the same way as the “swapdisc” for ps2?

The wii modchips are very easy to install with basic soldering skills. I wouldn’t go doing it if you never soldered before, but is not difficult at all.

yea iv never done it b4 would like for someone to do it for me with me ofcouse paying them

ok i guess uv been told i have a newer Wii with the chip with about 30 wires. id be willing to pay out 75$ plus the cost of the chip to have this done. let me know

the older wii’s are easier to install - 6 solder points and you’re done

d2b w/ cut leg intall

d2b w/ cut legs option 1 - rebuild the legs

d2b w/ cut legs option 2 - run wire from legs to chip

d2c (newest wii’s)

That just looks like a disaster waiting to happen. Who does it locally and for how much?

yeah it pretty much is. for the d2c chipsets, you have to solder directly to the legs of the chip, which is very time consuming, even with the right tools. i don’t know anybody that does it locally. i might be getting the tools soon to accomplish the task since i want to upgrade my solder tools anyways. we’ll see …

WTF they CUT the legs? What asshole does that? Just unsolder them a LIFT the legs up off the PCB.

Either way, no job for amateurs.

jesus that looks like headache.

Toronto, 75 bucks, in and out in an hour.

The Pacific Mall used to have a bunch of places that would do this for you, is this what you are talking about? They even had pre-modded consoles for sale with a warranty, lol.

If I found one of those, I’d consider picking up the Wii.

not sure but a friend went up there and he said it was simple, they let u wait while they mod it. he said it was some hole in the wall store front. I guess the new ones are harder or something, easier to goto ebay and get an older one, easier to mod.

Word. I love Toronto, it’s where my first reliable fake-id came from, where I spent new years on the eve of the millenium, and no one gives a fuck about pirated shit.

what state did you come from in your fake id?

probably Michigan, that’s my guess

hmmm i wonder how much they would charge for a wii with cut legs since i’m having a bitch of a time doing mine

Youngs street?