my laptop goes very nicely in the kitchen with me.
but i don’t cook. sorry.
and there are some girls on here more then guys. but what do we know? we’re just chicks
wow you guys are fuuucked
how do you know that they dont consider females already?
I’ve asked some of them;) I just wanted to know everyone else’s opinion
what is this? affirmative action? if they need mods, they should pick the most qualified.
Not mine?
Re: how to become a mod?
See avatar
lol I keed
Whoevers most qualified should get the next available mod position. Girl or guy. Though there are more educated guys on here when it comes to cars, so the chance of a guy getting the mod role is higher.
Pretty much my sentiments… Zwarbyt had the best advice thus far…
I have been trying to talk to you about this but we keep missing each other :lol: I know there are mods on here that don’t know everything about cars…you don’t need to be a mechanic in order to mod Off-Topic or Meets and Gatherings.
we need another mod?
it’s 2006, i didn’t think it mattered if our mods had a hoo-hoo or not
but whatever, i propose more retard sex in NWS :tup:
well, rubicant is pretty much a girl so…
what the fuck you fucking broads, you’re lucky we even let you register.
why on earth would you want to be a mod?