moderator addition?

I’m sure a bunch of you guys will disagree but …I think that if another moderator is needed, a girl who is educated and willing to put in the time should be considered for the position. I think just for some diversity and a different point of view it would be a good idea. i’m not all about womens rights and all that…it just came up one day and it was being argued that girls “shouldn’t” be moderators…I disagree…so what does everyone else think? Thanks, Andrea/Stairs



LOL @ josh

lol, but honestly Andrea, if you think diversity and a different point of view is what is needed, I don’t think you understand what it takes for some of these guys to do their job.

We need everyone on the same page, we need THIS and we need all the mods to have the same point of view so that there isn’t endless arguing and shit gets done.



i’m all for woman’s rights :slight_smile: word.

i don’t see a benefit :stuck_out_tongue:

Only if we add a cooking and cleaning thread…as well as BJ 101 class. :pimp:

our policy has always been the same, suck mod dick, become mod

thats how we got in, thats how you’ll get in

Don’t see a benefit or a downside really. Then again the two forums I do mod on are usually done by invitation only, and asking was an automatic disqualifier. So my opinion = moot here. Might be nifty though who knows.

I agree with Andrea…not just cuz shes my friend/housemate/fellow female

but this was the same thing i tried to get done on UBRF and i got laughed at as if i was kidding…im really not.

there are some girls on here that are more on here than other guys, know quite a bit, and could definitely put a good opinion on some things out there… guy/girl, who cares…as long as they can do the job…why not give it a try??

would it make some of your internet cocks smaller if some chick moderated?

not saying gen auto or tech stuff…any forum on here…doesnt matter…i am by no means a feminist, but it would be nice to have a girl mod.

just my $.02


Until this forum has a direction, and everyone here knows it, this site doesn’t need another mod - male or female.

see original post…I said if another Moderator is needed I would like you guys to consider having a female Mod. I have a couple girls in mind that I think would do a good job.

or how about if the people who own the site think you are worth being a mod they will make you one? I highly doubt there is a huge sexist conspericy to keep women from being mods.

Well Im all for it, a girl moderator would be great! But what girls on this forum have a computer in their kitchen?

i think i smell dinner burning

I nominate Sarah! But she doesn’t post enough.

actually…stairs and i both have our laptops in our kitchen…but we dont cook THAT much…and we wont cook for you when we do :stuck_out_tongue:

i’m only suggesting that a female be considered…not saying I want to be a Mod or that the people running this site are sexist…i’m friends with a majority of them and I do think women should cook, clean whatever…but there is no reason why we can’t Mod and cook;) :lol: