Modified Fusion

Oct 3rd down at the waterfront… use to be import fusion… anyone going?

What time?


I might head down…

OH GAWD!!! it gets a little gayer every year

ill be there


I’ll be there.

FYI, This is not Import Fusion. Import Fusion was a show put on by Clear Channel. Modified Fusion is a misrepresented show by Street Heaters. Knowing his past, there will most likely be a handful of cars here and thats it. He could never pull attendance unless he was working with PITTspeed.

For those that don’t he screwed Starboy and I over royally as well as some other members.

Who, Jeff D?

yes… and I might have misspoke as now there is a link on kiss’s website. either way if street heaters is involved there will be some screwy stuff I am sure.

and after this was brought to my attention today lets look at the facts here people. You want to go to this event more power to you.

The cost: $60.00 (buahahahah)

So Feel free to enter this show for $60.00! (sorry I can’t get over their trying to get $60 bucks, what is this NOPI?)

Maybe you’ll win one of the trophy’s they buy for 3.95!!!

Dont be stupid people, the event space cost them nothing to acquire (its in a god damn parking lot) and their charging you 60 for admission.

sorry I stand corrected its not, 60. 60 is the baseline, to be entered in everything its 80.

How To Attend

This event is FREE and open to the public! Just show up at the Waterfront on Saturday, October 3rd to enjoy the hottest show around
The Waterfront
301 Waterfront Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15222 (View map)

Cost: $60.00/ticket

2 p.m. – 8 p.m.

Between Chic-Fil-A and Steak and Shake

Doesn’t make sense to me…

free to watch 60 bucs to put your car in?

got to read the fine print.

$60.00 baseline registration
$20 additional optional registration

“additional optional registration” addition optional nice.

I think for the extra 20 you get put into the the racecaR category.

That’s gay.

sounds like a dick move to me … cause the 2009 Carlisle Events Season Pass
Price was $79.95


yeaaaah but that roll of free drink tickets mmmmmm


I wasn’t going to put my car in… but I’m sure the turnout will be dwindling when people see that registration fee. F that.

True. But the tickets cost more to make then the drinks you had.