MoHud SCCA 2009 Autocross Schedule (Tentative)

Lew, you just make your track days into autocross’ by driving ‘cone to cone’ in the turns (poorly).

Lew’s cornering technique:
-see ‘turn-in’ cone
-miss turn in at ‘turn-in’ cone
-see ‘apex’ cone
-apex 5 feet early
-see ‘track-out’ cone
-proceed to track-out over the curbing due to early apex, initiate spin into grass/immovable object

The Professional Novice

Someone is jealous of the mad skillz

I may add that the spin is superbly fun.
Try it sometime… ooo wait you haven’t tried to find the limit of your car.
someday maybe.

Sick burn.

Just wondering if the T&T sessions require pre-registration and if there is a participant limit.

BTW, how large is the “Seneca Army Depot” site if anyone knows.


Yes and are you kidding? Billy says it’s HUGE. hahahahahaha bigger than anything you will run on, on the east coast.

Yeah, Seneca is huge and the concrete section is super grippy. There is pre-reg and a participation limit. Not sure if we have reached the limit on the early season ones. Last year there were only like 5-10 cars participating. It’s well worth the trip out there and the money spent to wring out any issues with your car or yourself.

Im gonna try an Auto-X this year, roll up in the stang with slicks/skinnies, and no front sway bar LOL.

lulz stealing my idea :smiley:

Jeff, Do you have the link for registration? and must I be a SCCA member?


The dates are not finalized yet and therefore no registration yet. Reg will open about a month before the event happens. You will see a thread on the MoHud forums like this (Note that this is for one of last years T&T’s)

Somebody will probably post on here when the dates are solid.

Yes–All SCCA Events now require membership to particpate.
A Temporary membership is available at events for $15. You can “buy” 3 temporary memberships and use them towards a credit on a “full” membership. ( Temp membership is only good for the weekend)

If you are under the age of 24 --you can get a “first gear” membership which is only $45.

PS --if they ask for a referring member --let me know and I will pass on my name and member number. OR if you know another SCCA member use theirs.


Gotcha, thanks.

Bumping this back up.

For the Seneca army depot race, where is it going to be held? On the runway? I just want to get an idea of what the course would look like.

If you scroll down you can see the course maps from the Divisional Championship last year
According to Jims posts there the runways are 150 ft wide.

This link had some aerial photos of the site.


Yup I’ll definitely have to show up now.

One of our guys is reporting that many hotels in the Geneva/Waterloo area are already full that weekend due to some other activity, so you may need to search a bit further outside the area (I found one in Seneca Falls). The other option is people camp in the Sampson State Park campground directly across from SeAD. I believe that, too, fills up since it’s a popular option for autocrossers.

Are all of the events besides the Corvette club races going to be at the Seneca Army Depot…or is it still too early and other locations havent been chosen???

Only the SCCA National Tour and a select MoHud test-n-tune or 2 will be held at Seneca. The 6-8 planned regular events will be scattered at local venues (McCarty Ave OGS parking lot, etc.) We’re finalizing contracts with the sites still, but I’ll update this thread as soon as they are confirmed.

I can’t wait for the “tentative” to disappear from the title and then it’s game on like donkey kong!