MoHud SCCA autocross at Fortitech this Sunday 9/18

MoHud’s autocross event #6 will be this Sunday 9/18 at the Fortitech warehouse site just off the Schenectady County Airport in Glenville, across form Socha Plaza. This site allows our course designer to set up a long, fast and flowing course with all the great autocross elements in it. Registration closes at 9am, get there a little early to get in a few course walks. Post up questions if you have any.


Will Mr. Awesome be there?

Mr. Awesome and the awesomobile will be present.

I’ll be there - first MoHud event ever w00t

^Don’t hesitate to ask questions. Ask for Mr. Awesome, I take care of newbs.

said in the creepiest post having to do with autocross

True. Very creepy indeed.

Twas much fun- our own Mr JeffK took fastest raw & pax time for the day. Way to go, sir!

I tried to convince him that his ftd time was DSQ, but he wasn’t buying.

Any pics out there of the event? I want to see Lyndon’s Ti on 3 wheels.

So do I!

Watch out for the mass amount of bird shit on the old runway/straight stretch. Literally SHIT everywhere, see pic below for details.

My Hoosier A6s actually gathered more grip on the burd turd.