Mold, Spiders, now Sentra exhaust.

I had already cleaned it off like 19 times, I had to draw the line and show the snow who was boss.

Unfortunately Carbon Monoxide is much stronger opposition than snow.

damn dude…me and my family had a similar incident during the power outage, but none of us passed out…we had to use a gas pump down in our basement cause it was flooding and a few hours later im like damn, I have a headache, and the rest of my family was like yah me too…it was from the exhaust fumes.

glad to hear your ok tho…but one question…why is the title called mold and spiders?? fill me in.

I’ve had similar stories with smoking moldy weed and burning spiders, and inhalation of spider fumes.

what?! ummm… your family thought it was ok to run a gas powered pump inside?

in the basement…

my house is old as hell lol…we have a stone basement with our furness and heat tank and shit down there…every year once or twice, we flood when power goes out because we have a sum pump and obv. it wont work with no power, so the only way to keep the basement from destroying our furness and shit (we just put a new furness in because of past floods ruining the old one) is to use the pump to get the water out. Granted, its at the other end of my house, on the 4th floor but you still got to be careful.

we have had it flood 6 feet before…to the top of our basement stairs…what a fun time that was. Theirs a stream right next to my house so were technically in a “flood” zone…every spring when everything thaws out, all the water comes down off the hill and floods the stream.

i understand the need for a sump pump, but running a gas powered one inside without venting it’s exhaust gasses is so incredibly stupid. you guys are lucky

That is ballsy


Why not just run a generator outside of your house and backfeed the power into your house? Youll have power in your house and the sump pump will work… Just make sure the main breaker is off if you backfeed


furness sounds like a women product

DJ stop posting under Risa’s name! :wtf

we let my grandma use our generator…she needs it more then us.

first of all, why the fuck didn’t you call me? sounded like a fun ass time, and i’m pissed i wasn’t involved.

i’m pretty used to fumes and shit working in the garage… we get lazy and don’t put the stink pipes through the doors. lol

the boarding sounds fun. i did some sweet skitchin down rt. 9 with rankin the other night. got up over 30, felt pretty fast hangin on outside the car. lol

Skitchin…as in blades? In the snow?!? You’re a crazy mofo. :lol :lol Get that shizzle on tape next time!

yea he holds onto the jeep and gets dragged down the street while plowing snow up with his boots LOL

my thoughts.


me and mcflurry were doing it all night the other day.

that is the worst looking penis I’ve seen.

I hope for your future BF/GF’s sake your penis bears no resemblance to that.

:umm :nono

:crackup :crackup

yeah, its fun as hell. if i was wearing shoes, it would have been easier to slide, but my big ass boots worked. i’ll have to remember to try and tape it next time.