Mold, Spiders, now Sentra exhaust.

Here we go:

Yesterday, in celebration of all of the snow, I get the awesome idea to have my room-mate get one of his beater decks and snowboard behind our freakishly fast snow blower. This was fun for all of 5 minutes.

Better idea:

Run a huge lead (extension cord) through the back doors of the sentra (no rope), slam the doors therefore securely locking the cord in place, and bending my rear doors all to hell. Then tow him through the trailer park at high speed.

This pleases us, many lulz are had, he’s really good on a board so it was epic, he mainly stayed on the sides of the road in the freshy fresh powda, jumped snowbanks, did a few grabs, manualed around alot of the park…epic.

That had nothing to do with my CO inhalation, but it was awesome and needed to be shared.

Now later on around 730, we go to go over to a friends house in the sentra, which I had recently sculpted a giant penis into, shown here:

The windshield was coated in ice/snow, which any normal human being would have just cleared off and made the quick 90 second voyage to my buddy’s house…but oh no, we decided to make it an exercise in co-piloting. My roommate grabbed his googles, stuck his head out of the window, and called out orders, much of which included application of the e-brake, mind you I’m totally blind as to where we’re ACTUALLY going.

Yes. Horrible idea, but boy did I pay for it.

So we make most of the journey relatively unscathed, hit a couple snow banks but kept truckin. Well, one turn he calls for ebrake hard left, ninety degrees, well I turned it into about 120 degrees, he calls hard right to avoid someone’s driveway (unpopulated I might add) and it happens, we get high centered on recent plow-snow. Sucks.

He hops out and starts pushing, I do the Rev. to Drive rock, we make progress.

Suddenly I realize I’m in neutral, and he’s asking me wtf I’m doing…a wave of fear overcomes me and I’m slurring, jump out of the car to ‘access the situation’ and pass out for a fraction of a second, coincidentally when you pass out you lose control of your legs and therefore face plant in the snow wearing only a hoodie and sweat pants, without bracing yourself mind you.

I try to get up, still in the biggest haze of my life, I feel like I’ve just downed two fifths of SoCo or something…absolutely shitfaced.

Roommate helps my huge ass up, and the second my head goes vertical I’m out again. He’s scared. I’m lying in the snow getting frost bite.

Finally I get my wits about me, enough to stay standing anyway…scariest thing, I couldn’t put coherent sentences together, only words, blips, phrases…very weird, very scary.

Rest of the story involves me losing my weed in the process (really really good headies :sad) going home and laying down for several hours, until I started getting a massive headache and finally turned in and went to bed. Woke up at 4am with one of the worst headaches of my life, and decided to just roll around in pain until I fell asleep.

And here we are.


There’s a safety reason for having a full, functional exhaust as well…my roommate said when he got in the car to finish rocking it out he started getting dizzy from the exhaust fumes that had filled the cabin…I had no idea, and very easily could have succomb if he wasn’t there or if I had passed out IN the car.

Shit ain’t cool.

damn, sounds like one crazy night. I probably would have been doing something equally stupid, but I couldn’t get my car out of the drieveway, haha

It sucked so bad, never been so fucked up without intentionally getting fucked up.

It sucked, I thought I was dieing.

sooo wat happened here

We used a dodge ram for urban snowboarding

We use my buddies Tacoma, and that snow penis is genious.

My subaru slowly kills me on long trips as well.

I enjoy it however

Was about {} this close to an ER visit, actually I probably should have went last night.

Just found this little tidbit on Wiki:

3,200 ppm (0.32%) Headache, dizziness and nausea in five to ten minutes. Death within 30 minutes.
6,400 ppm (0.64%) Headache and dizziness in one to two minutes. Death in less than 20 minutes.

I had to be somewhere between there.

Pretty scary, everybody in the house was like ‘…’ like waiting for me to die all night :rofl

Oh, also:

One of the major concerns following CO poisoning is the severe neurological manifestations that may occur days or even weeks after an acute poisoning. Common problems encountered are difficulty with higher intellectual functions and short-term memory, dementia, irritability, gait disturbance, speech disturbances, parkinson-like syndromes, cortical blindness, and depression, which can even occur in those accidentally exposed who do not have pre-existing depression

Oh well that’s just fucking great :rofl

That’s some scary shit dude. So how did it happen, from sitting on the snow and not going anywhere or was the exhaust fucked up, or both?

The exhaust is constructed, or deconstructed as follows:

Header>6" of the old exhaust>???>axle back that is entirely disconnected, like nothing comes out of the muffler tip.

So the exhaust saturated the heater intake vents near the windshield, or just saturated the cabin.

Very scary, had no idea I was in trouble until my roommate was holding me up under my shoulders trying to keep me up-right…if he wasn’t there…I probably would have died in that car last night.

Wow. Glad to hear you are ok…

So how high were you guys at the start of the journey?

CO=not good.

oh wow

wow benny, so u gonna put a exhaust on that bitch? gald ur ok…well ur sort of ok

Last year a few kids died up in the powerlines near me 4 wheelin. They got stuck in a half frozen pond and kept the truck running until people came back to pull them out. They had succumbed to the CO when people came back. It was bad shit.

Very well written!
Maybe it was withdrawel, we’re you jonesin ? Glad your all good!

Fizzle’s laziness ftw

My old S10 used to make people in cars next to me turn away from the smell.

The shitty old box truck we have at work is nauseating too. Its got 267k on it and its beat and has a million exhaust leaks and runs rich as fuck.

gotta love sentra exhausts lol,my first one did the same thing until it fell all the way off of the exhaust manifold