Monday Morning Crew

2 coffee, one muffin, at work, bored out of my gourd. Maybe I’ll index/alphebetize/serialize/organize my software or something. That should last a little while.

i think i am going to call in sick tomorrow and get a new timing belt in my car :slight_smile:

Work - -or at least looking like I’m doing something productive

class at noon, screwing around till then

woooooorking. get to meet the new company today

[officespace]sounds like someone has a case of the mondays[/officespace]


painting my guest bedroom Ralph Lauren Adirondack Blue, then working from 4-11.

going to work at 1 to finish up the longest 7 days of my life. only have 101 hours in 7 days after today… should be a nice paycheck with 166 hours on it. ( in two weeks)

jealous hourly > salary

I have an interview at David’s Bridal at 4… Wish me luck…

Then I have class…

The Art of Film… we are watching Monsson Wedding tonight…
That class is a breeze… all we do is go in once a week, talk about the movie we will be watching for about 5 minutes… watch the movie… go home.

:slight_smile: electives rock

Just got in from 4 days in Vegas at midnight last night, and had to get up and come to work today on 4 hours of sleep. Sucks. I’d rather be in vegas spending frivilous amounts of money in the slots at night, and hanging out at the pool (we stay at THE hotel at mandalay) all day…At least I walked off the gaming floor each night with more money in my pocket book than I went down with. Winning rocks. :beer:

been a slow day, nothing happening. got my work orders for tommorrow, I get to go to Allegheny center in the morning… then somewhere on 16th street after 1p, bridgeville wednesday.

terrible day, sittin at my desk having back spasms is a mother fucker. Back pain > will to live.

how did the interview go Jenn?