Money Talk

Thought this might be an interesting topic.

If you had to make money fast, to fund your project, what would be some of the ways you’d make it? (1-2 weeks fast, not RIGHT NOW IN MY POCKET fast).

I came up with:

-Sperm bank
-Giving Plasma
-Pan handling
-Temp Agency
-Hosting Parties and overcharging guests lol
-Buying liquor for the youngin’s

Thats all I came up with for now, lets hear them ideas:cool:

Contact Paul @ Splitfire in Brampton. He will show you all the ins and outs of taking advantage of the Sport Compact kids.

Split fire sucks shit.


#1 option.

i was thinking of robbing a mcdonalds.

Scam a nigerian :dunno:


and naws, drugs aren’t selling right now. Most people are on summer holiday, relaxing, it’s only during school when you make money.

This reccession is bs.

^^^ naw man apparently youre not pushing hard enough then haha

Yea, you may be right, I guess I just gotta push harder in the right places

… thats what she said haha

lol at trevors post…

really drugs. haha


It’s a profession that is recession proof.

marry imagrants for money

One of my good friends used to do those weekend drug studies to pay the bills.

Sell your unwanted shit?

Garage Sale / eBay?

apparently not!

By far the best idea yet!
and im not joking

Ahahahaha…It was a good read.

What will I do with my nights now :confused:

1)Slip and fall at walmart, CT, or any succesful buisness
2) by a completey rot box car. wait outside of a night club for some idiot to drive home, cut him off, let him rear-end you and claim neck injuries.
3) get a night job?


lol wow very interesting

you can make decent amount of money selling weed. but you have to have someone to front you or about 550 to start off with. from what i remember from drug wars 2.2 crack, heroin, and coke is where the money is at. but i would never go near that shit. stay with weed, its only sketchy if you are sketchy.
ebay you can make some money on, if you didn’t pay much for it originally.
gigolo probably wouldn’t be good for you cause you have to last longer than 5 minutes hahaha jk.
i would suggest getting a job, its not quick money but its honest money.
sperm bank would be good too, but i think you can’t drink or jerk it two days prior (manswers)
i think you should find your talent and become a busker.
