Mopar65's SRT Build Thread

Nice :slight_smile:

In before “It’s still just a shitty Neon” ignorant comment.

i liked the blue hood on the yellow car :P. Do you you have any timeslips?

Mopar Neon tails are SiQQ.

No no time slips, I can’t race from a dig to save my life. Traction is the enemy as well as a needed “driver mod” lol Plus the thing is stock at the moment, but not for much longer

i personally dont like your car, at all, but i have to give you a huge :tup: on your attention to detail. nicely done

Sorry it’s not an Honda with 300k miles.

I couldn’t afford a beater for winter so now she goes into winter mode. I got an SXT bumper off a rollover from the junkyard and I tried to make it look semi-decent.

After a long saga of wheel spacers and SXT rims with snow tires not clearing the brake calipers I ended up selling them for more than I paid and bought 16in VW steelies with snow tires on them and about 200 miles of use for $300. I wash her once a week to get the salt off, but she is looking a little rough pre-bath. Don’t judge me :rofl:

or you could keep that front bumper on for summer and be :snky: from the front view

If I did that I would do a setup like this one:

I kinda like that, except the chrysler badge

The Chrysler Badge is a BUX item, it’s like regarded as rare import parts in the neon community just how like honda people love real, rare JDM parts

well played, that does look a shit ton better.

did you buy this car from a kid in hamburg? and great build not a fan of neons but this one looks great!

If going for snky, the eyelids and front mount kinda ruin that. lol

It was bought from a dude on Grand Island

Yeah not going for sneaky at all actually, I just didn’t feel like tearing up the SRT front in the winter so I put a different fascia on for the winter months and it has paid off lol

sorry, both of my current hondas have just a touch over 100k. i gave my 400k accord to my younger brother a few months ago as a xmas present, because im a nice guy like that.

werent you supposed to be banned? also, maybe you missed the part where i said i appreciated the hard work he put in on the car.

either way, you still suck.

to the OP - how did you paint that bumper?? it looks awesome for what seems to be a garage paint job

I just went to autozone and got some generic yellow paint combined with a few coats of primer, few coats of clear, and some sanding in between. Looks decent all in all for a rattle can job

I was getting tired of the stock wheel color so I decided to change things up a bit. Enjoy and sorry for the driveway shots lol

Primer coats

Base coats

Cleat coats

Finished product

looked good the other day!

Looks great