more citi jobs coming to buffalo.


WTF, if Buffalo is such a good place, why did they pull all their branches out over the summer. They all became M&T’s.


That is the consumer side, the real money is all corporate, and thats what is headed this way.

You would be suprised how many people they will hire right now even if you dont think you are qualified for it.

As a side note, if anyone is applying, feel free to use my name as the reference. They are paying killer money right now for refering someone, and I have no problem splitting it with you. PM me if you’re interested.

:tup: to more buffalo jobs!


WTF, if Buffalo is such a good place, why did they pull all their branches out over the summer. They all became M&T’s.


m&t bought out all the local citi branches here and in rochester. i still don’t see my raise from all the added business the buyout generated. GAY

on a side note. M&T is also considering building a new building in the downtown area. but those jobs may actually go overseas.

i saw this news a few months ago… love the idea of more jobs to buffalo area… but the problem is that with the new expansion next year or whatever, they will begin to lower their standards for hiring. so you’ll find yourself working with idiots, who do less, kiss ass, and end up making more. then they don’t get the work done, and neither do you because you’re pissed off that no one in management realizes that 90% of the people there are average or worse.

of course citi has a lot of money to throw around… biggest bank in the world i think right?

I wonder if they have a decent IT department

Where i’m working now isn’t the bank portion of the company.

The Dept of State gave Citi the contract to process its US Passport applications, and Citi has 4 dedicated sites working 24 hours a day 7 days a week to pump out the passports. I’d bet that 99 percent of the passport division employees are temps, at least thats how it is here. Even the floor supervisors are temps.

This is all good for citi, as they don’t have to pay a temp retirement, insurance, nothing. Its good for their bottom line.

Its mindless work, but for a few months its just fine.


Evolve’s right. I honestly never finished college. I started off temping at Citi for $14/hour. Since I was hired there I went salary and I’m earning a considerable amount more than that now.


yea but I doubt I can get any type of job with money since my credit is so shitty.

^ Check the Credit Sticky by sureshot!

i imagine citi’s IT dept. must be pretty interesting. lol


I wonder if they have a decent IT department


Yea it’s all in Bombay.


^ Check the Credit Sticky by sureshot!


yep already checked it out, it has alot of good information that is great for me. I’ve been trying to get everything back together but it is taking me some time (only taking home $300 a week makes it alittle more hard). I would of had perfect credit but I got laid off last year and my unemployment just covered my car payment and everything else got behind.


Yea it’s all in Bombay.


They can’t outsource all their IT lol


i imagine citi’s IT dept. must be pretty interesting. lol


I’ve helped some of our IT guys with all the different functions that are coming to Buffalo. A few of them are pulling their hair out, but for the most part its nothing to extreme.

And JustinH, the new passport area is just about rady over here at Crosspoint. Do you know if everyone in the Passport section will be moving over here or only part of it?


With a company like Citi bring as many jobs to Buffalo as they plan, the city will continue to improve. Cost of living is low here so they can pay a lower scale and its still a good deal for everyone involved.

I’ve worked there since November '05 and I’m been rather happy with the situation.

Justin, our of curiosity, do you remember the names of the people who spoke at the meeting?


I can’t remember the guys names, but the first guy who spoke was CEO of cashflow in North America, he had a very strong British accent.

The second guy reminded me of a car salesman, a very rich car salesman that is.


I’ve helped some of our IT guys with all the different functions that are coming to Buffalo. A few of them are pulling their hair out, but for the most part its nothing to extreme.

And JustinH, the new passport area is just about rady over here at Crosspoint. Do you know if everyone in the Passport section will be moving over here or only part of it?


We are already working at crosspoint in makeshift offices. Citi built room dividers in the cafe, and built a mini office that houses about 20 people, and they have another 20 in another office inside the building.

In 2 weeks the inner room will be finished, and everyone is going to be in there (from what I’ve heard).


yea but I doubt I can get any type of job with money since my credit is so shitty.


You can temp at citi, they don’t run your credit to get a job, but you won’t get offered a position by citi with shitty credit. Citi absolutely will run a credit check on you if they are considering you for a position.

Get it taken care of.


hey guys.

I’m temping at citigroup for a few months before I move to phoenix, but I did get to attend a company meeting today.

They brought in the bigwigs of citi, including two british speaking gents (ceo’s and the like).

Anyways these guys spoke of the buffalo location in such a good light I couldn’t beleive it.

They already have one huge building here next to geico, and the exec spoke of building another building in buffalo, and hiring “hundreds of new jobs”.

It might be an avenue for some of you guys to get into a world class company.

I found it somewhat funny that the ceo kept calling buffalo “such a great value to build a business”. I translated that to “you people work for basically nothing”

The temp jobs pay decent for temp jobs, but they are really mindless monkey work. I was talking to one of the guys that just got hired by the company directly, and the salary goes way up over your temp salary, and the benefits are outstanding.

Just walking around the office here in amherst, you just know that this company has alot of money to throw around, its really a nice facility.



more jobs downtown is :tup:

