More drama from the interwebs

Does failvis have a younger brother?

My name is Greg. I’m the owner of NICOclub. Let me explain to you what has happened over the past year, with regards to Eric, a young lad from South Florida who fancies himself a bit of an expert on things. In fact, he was a former staffer on NICOclub, until he became mentally unstable and delusional.

Cliff notes are that this kid contributes a ton to NICO club through questionable connections with Nissan USA. Kid deletes all his posts, creates his own forum and trolls forums and youtube bad mouthing NICO club and spamming links to his forum.

failvis isnt smart enough to do all that. He just scams people.

Who gives a shit.

He’s not even that smart, he just fucks people over in an effort to gain without thinking of the effect it might have on others, or his future self.



O ok…


Oh, cool story.

we should care why?