More for us Halo nerds!!!!!!11!one

If you happened to miss the only TV airing of the sixty second commercial during Monday Night Football…

Watch it, love it, and start speculating!


well I’m rock hard

i have never played halo

oh my.

cgi is some cool stuff

Halo does nothing for me.

halo = win


xbox 360 controllers = lose

as oppose to the rumble-less ps3 controllers??

One of the rumors is that the entire sixty seconds was rendered real-time by a 360. Not sure if its true, but if it is… :ohnoes:

And complaints about the 360 controller are just ways to obscure the fact you can’t handle the power :stuck_out_tongue: … or just plain suck :lol:

im prety sure morgan on g3 said it was 100% cgi…

if its not.

holy shit i cant wait… err i cant wait anyways… when this comes out the woman is going to feed me/bathe me and bring me a bed pan.


OMG find the video!


except mom is going to be kristen lol

Rumbling is overrated. I don’t even notice it.


mouse aim > controllers

im still waiting for the pc version of halo 2 :frowning:

I need a 360 badly

You notice when its gone. :frowning:

no RUMBLE!?!!?


By adding their lame tilt feature they got rid of it. Everything i have read says that six axis is stupid anyway.