More M3 electrical troubles...

hrmmm… I hope you didn’t fry anything else.

If all is cleaned up from the angeleyes then what is draining it? Maybe the mini battery is just not cutting it or your alternator is shitting the bed on you…

IDK…electrical problems always made me want to punch babies. GL with the fix man.

lol, why are you always 3 hrs late :mamoru:

Start with the basics of charging system testing.

Put a voltmeter on the battery when the car is off, record the voltage. Then put the voltmeter on the battery when the car is running. This will tell you if the alternator is charging. I certainly wouldn’t rule out that your toasted something when the load got high enough to pop the battery and melt the wires to your aftermarket lights.

It should be 12 to 13 volts when the car is off, assuming the battery is charged.

With the car running it should be around 13 to 14.

If that checks out do the draw down test newman mentioned above.

I’m a tard, I didn’t mean starter I meant alternator.

When I said check voltage I meant to ensure it was charging at a strong 14.5 Volts, and when the car was off held a good 12.5 volts.

I have had brand new batteries only hold 11-11.5 Volts right out of the box.

It is a pretty simple check actually.

  1. Is your car charging the battery to ~14.5v?
    (If not get your alt checked.)

  2. Does the battery with the car off hold 12.5v?
    (If not get the battery checked.)

  3. Is there a large draw off the battery when the car is off?
    (If so, start un-plugging things to find the draw.)

If non of these are the problem, then yes there might be a problem with the starter, but if it starts from a jump, I’m guessing it isn’t the starter.

Then go from there.

If you know the angel eyes are a problem, take them out completely.

Take them, place them on the ground, grab your cam, and stomp the shit out of them. Post the pictures up on the forum along with a list of all the problems they gave you.

Then smile.

dont forget that the factory BMW battery connector has a little explosive charge in it to disconnect the positive terminal in the event of airbag deployment… so just be mindful if you are clamping jumper cables in the trunk, ive never heard of one popping accidenlty, but you never know if your clamp slips and nails it

Just for kicks check the wire from the battery to the starter. I had one once that corroded to shit and was shorting out. Had lights and everything, but it acted like the car had a dead battery when I went to start it, but then sometimes it started fine. Oddly enough a jump got the car going, not sure if that was coincidence from moving the wire perhaps. See if it draws power(lights dim) when you try to start it when it won’t start. I’m assuming it will since it’s clicking. Check the battery cable’s to make sure the terminal connections aren’t corroded to shit as well, they can act like a short. My dads truck had a similar gremlin but I think it was a fuse or relay.

Sounds like a bad battery. Start there.

all fixed playing with a multimeter and shit. the lead tapping the ecu was causing the terminal to cut voltage for some wild reason.

all better now. special thanks to newman for helping me on aim.