More pics from Iraq

There was a nice sunset tonight and not alot of dust so I snapped some pics from the roof.
![ hh60.JPG]( hh60.JPG)
![ sunset.JPG]( sunset.JPG)
![ balad.JPG]( balad.JPG)

great pics wray…glad you’re doing well over there. How much longer is your tour?

nice pics, hope everythings well over there

just under 5 months. I should be back the second week of January just in time for our beautiful weather back home.

nice pics!

very nice pics man…be safe

Nice pics. I respect everyone serving overseas. Thx a lot bro.

Laura and adam

What a gay sig photo. .
OMG our cars are in love too… WTF get a life. fags n’at


Seen those pudgy bitches up @ Dover many times.

Nice sunset pic.

those pics bring back memories…and the smells

sweet be safe

nice pics! be safe, see you in Jan for the great weahter