more to love

TM- Fox is developing a new reality show that they are hoping to will appeal to a larger* demographic. The show is called “More to Love” ( and basically is the same thing as all the other “of Love” shows, except its all fat chicks, all the time.

I haven’t decided if this is going to be the funniest show ever made, or the absolute worst, but after watching the previews and casting for it I’m pretty optimistic.

Lets try to come up with some competition ideas… like who can eat a dozen donuts the fastest, etc.

chubby chaser?

fap fap fap

Should be hilarious. I’ve had enough of these reality shows.

Haha I will watch

Nice, so now we apparently are going to start glorifying obesity.

As men we have an obligation to make sure fat girls feel like shit about themselves otherwise all girls will become fat. Don’t fall for it!

since im the forum chubby chaser i cant wait to watch every episode of this show two or three times

LOL @ Jammer’s continuing prejudice against fat people and the hilarious stories it creates.

Jammer is not prejudice against fat people. He fed me once.

Gave him inches and fed him well

paging slowmarro

i dont do the fatty thing kid .shit my old lady is about 115-120 on a bad day

unless i knock her up again then its bad ,

haha you said you would fuck anything with a pussy

QFT :rofl

i was drunk

… o

Some of those girls in the diamond ring clip actually have a somewhat cute face…put them in a gym and you may end up with a bomb shell.


I will watch

what does it matter to you ,your not marryin any of them ,therfore ya aint fuckin em :thumbup

Just sayin.

It’s okay, I won’t dip into yo koolaid son. Hah.