Most dangerous roads in the world

Bolivia’s “Road of Death”

It runs in the Bolivian Andes, 70 km from La Paz to Coroico, and plunges down almost 3,600 meters in an orgy of extremely narrow hairpin curves and 800-meter abyss near-misses. A fatal accident happens there every couple of weeks, 100-200 people perish there every year. The July disaster brought the death toll during the previous eight months to 55.

Most Dangerous Tourist Hiking Trail (China)

– **** THAT



looks sturdy.

FUK THAT !!! i wouldent drive there nor would i walk on that wood shit hellll nooo…

i could rally that!

Dibs on whatever you leave behind! :smiley:

Some stupidly retarded roads on that site… awesome to walk and some nice scenery, but to drive on them? Hell no.


hahaha… i’ll consider what i leave behind as i’ll take everything with me…

how people manage i dont understand.

anyone wanna go for a hike on that wooden platform section.

Magnificient Guoliang Tunnel Road in China…looks dangerous…

that road is trippy! 45444

but still wanna walk and make it to this outhouse, just hope it doesnt cave in.

oops double post.

lol you take a trip to take a crap and you dont come back… hahaha… hell no…i think the rocks are a nice plce to take a dump haha… thos china roads would be fun to hike on tho… would be somthing to tell people… yeh i kinda pushed refused off the ledge hahaha… OOPPS

i agree…i think that looks like a really nice road…lol but not in the sense that its safe lookin haha

looks way safer than those pieces of wood hanging on the side of the cliff that they call as a “road”.

lol true

Crazy how they dug that tunnel in the hillside with only metal tools… crazy chinese people! :stuck_out_tongue:

hey now, we invented paper, pasta and gunpowder, digging a tunnel is a walk in the park (not the park where those wooden roads are at).

lol dont hate on the chinese

I’m chinese… :A

Regardless, I like Italian pasta more than Chinese ‘noodles’… no pun intended Noodles. Awesome stuff really.

Still like my Asian girls though… :wink:

yes italian pasta is bettter wooooo…hehe yum yum

hehee, we chinks will just give you the pasta thing…we have plenty of other achievements, like making the landwind…:stuck_out_tongue: