Worlds Most Dangerous Roads PICS

CLICK HERE FOR THE PICS :slight_smile:

Here is a teaser

Holy craziness.

i didn’t know you were on OT.


i like!

I went 2 hours into the mountains of Bogota Colombia once. The road was very narrow like that and scary as hell. The road twisted and turned so much that on the way down we had to pull over so everyone could puke. It was a great trip! lol

If you go to the bottom of the page there are tons of cool links to click on.:tup:

This one is funny…

this one is cool…

lol wow

the walking one is nuttttssss

I dont think I would need the water closets they had at the top after walking up that mountain

Willybean would need to slow down to about 90MPH. on those roads. Stoppies only, no wheelies. :ohnoes:

those chineese tunnel roads Kick ass. it reminds me of the roads from denver to aspen colorado. only much less “americanized”



The discovery channel did a show about this road like a month ago. I wouldn’t drive on that ish, 'cept maybe with a full cage helmet and 5 or 6 pt. Fux to the that!

Some sweet drifting roads :lol:

i was gonna post this too…

i guess with the bad roads its manditory not to wear pants?

Don’t you hate pants?


The road in China is > *

wow crazy

Thats just nuts. Makes our pot holes seem rather diminutive in comparison.