Most Expenisive and Famous crashes 2007

They probably aren’t. I’m pretty sure a crash to an exotic car is HUGE free publicity for them. First what happens is, the onlooker sees the car crashed and thinks what a shame it is to have such a nice car crashed. They say they wish they had one. Some people will actually surf to their site to see more about the car. Then on the flip side, the rarity of the car goes up big time, so the resale value of the car also goes up. Again people look into other Ferrari cars as a comparison.
I’ve read and/or seen clips about a few of the cars in that vid before I’ve even seen this. I can tell you that I wouldn’t waste my time reading up on a Honda Civic that got into a crash… Happens every day… But an Enzo Ferrari or a Lamborghini Murcielago, Now that has my attention. Makes me wish I had one even more and gives me a bigger drive to getting a Lambo.