Most manly drink thread...

another man drink:

gallon of cheap vodka, split 4 ways …at the beach… on a 95* day. Spend 3 hours at beach getting plowed, and being so loud that other beach goers give up on their idea of spending time on the beach …

then the next day, over 24 hours later, realize that your still hammered

well then what are the effects like?

crown and water FTW :tup: <3

lol shit… I got real fucked up on absenthe once. Went to a friends bday party at a bar when I was already lit up on the stuff (I was in blackout mode at this point… my roomate drove me). Apparently, from what my friends were telling me, she wanted a picture with me for her bday… I grabbed her boob for the pic (in front of her BF), started dancing with all the girls apparently break dancing (or trying to)… which for anyone that doesnt know me, isn’t something I normally do.

the next thing I remember is waking up in my car, sitting shotgun with the car running somewhere in south buffalo… and my roomate nowhere to be found. I rolled the window down and threw up and passed back out. Woke back up and I was in my driveway with the car off.

good times

edit: I really liked the buzz though… I didnt feel hammered or “heavy” like most liquors will do. I felt all floaty and very energetic… was bouncing off the walls and shit

or three hicks and a spic for the real man

jimmy, johnny jack and jose

I love me a good oatmeal stout.

I had this microbrew called espresso stout at Barker in Fredonia (back when it was Barker) that was delicious. A nice dark beer with a very distinct coffee aftertaste. :beer:

Steel Reserve. /thread

hahaha, it’s like drinking brewed tree bark

high gravity lager ftw

to layzie…im a light beer drinker myself…and have tried killians irish red…and it was so gross. lol.
cannot even SNIFF guiness without feeling like i will vomit lol
other beers like labatt and molson are great
i like XXX quite a bit

my biggest problem when i drink a beer, is when most beers all the sudden taste “different” half way down. i also CANNOT drink beer from a can, cause i can taste the can. i enjoy a good yeungling original solely for this reason…its tastes the same ALL THE WAY down to the bottom.

i LOVE LOVE LOVE yagerbombs.
i also enjoy bicardi razz vodka on the rocks.

real men drink a handle of kessler. smart real men stop when you get to the wagon wheels like me and evil jay.

if you think guiness is a good dark beer, you don’t know much about good dark beer. you want a manly dark beer? try a wolaver’s oatmeal stout. way better than guiness and way stronger.

sippin jaeger on the rocks :tup:

sippin whiskey and water/soda/ice :tup:

drinking gin straight from the 1.75L (i <3 jam) :tup: this also helped lead to him projectile vomiting into a sink 6 feet away which consequently was one of the most amazing displays of cordination i have ever seen.

^ hahahahahahaha that sounds like quite the entertaining event. it ALL made it into the sink?


Any type of Gin I also consider a manly drink because it tastes like ass, except Bombay Sapphire which is quite tasty.

yes…you wouldn’t believe me if i told you how good jam really is at puking.

also i forgot one of my favorite manly drinks. Irish coffee. a nice dark french roast coffee (no cream no sugar) with jameson gold in it.

kessler…smooth as silk…lol

nothings beats a kessler and coke

kessler and coke’s are for women and evil jay. real men drink shots of kessler with a chaser of kessler and water/club soda.





how about some georgia moon corn whiskey

Nothing with the word “french” in it can be considered manly.


ever taste a french roast? if it makes you feel better you could do an italian roast, but it wouldn’t taste as manly.

^Just messing. Nothing wrong with French roast coffee. :slight_smile: