most stupid paintball idea.... EVER!!!

and this is why we cant have nice things…

wow, what a fuckin dumb ass.


fucking moron

skunk, have you tried that product key?

ahahahahahahahahahahaha yes! what a complete idiot! love to see the aftermath of the shot!

What an idiot.
I got hit in the adam’s apple and that hurt like hell. I even lost my voice.
But in the eye, screw that. His friend sucks at aiming.

lol random… but no.

wont try it until fri probably

Guy has the hands of a Soviet Surgeon.

hahahaha… awesome.

lol okay man, just keep me posted

I shot a kid in the eye from 100 ft away when I was playing in high school out in the woods. There were 4 friends who we didn’t know that showed up and said “we don’t have goggles, but we’ll take our chances”

Well, he took his chances, and lost. The eye after only 2 minutes looked like Rocky Balboa from the movies, completely swollen shut.

I was running sideways, shooting to the left at him and he went down… and that was that.

I heard later he got Glaucoma in the eye and that he eventually had it removed. :frowning:

GQ Josh was there I think.

thats what the idiot gets, you don’t wear goggles during shooting sports, murphy’s law says that one time you “take your chances” you will get shot in the eye

Yeah…pretty sure that eye is useless now.

Way to go champ…way to go.

You could shoot your eye out with that thing!

haha back when paintball started int he 80’s there were actually qite a few one eyed players. But with all the safety equipment now there is no excuse. He will probably lose that eye. Dumbass.

oh wow.