Mother stands up to the RIAA

About time someone kicked them in the ass…:smiley:


HAHAHA thats awesome! Take that you bloody wankers

haha good job Debbie


Yes, that is awesome. Stick it to them… with a serrated edge.




oh sorry, I didn’t read it. I’m too busy downloading music off of Morpheus.

Was the article any good?


Usually most people settle with the RIAA for a few thousand dollars, but Debbie took the case to court and asked for the RIAA to produce records of what files she supposedly downloaded, along with the dates of the downloads. The RIAA couldn’t produce the records and offered to withdraw the case.

Considering that, I would now consider any of the people who decide to choose the RIAA’s new policy of “settling before court” an idiot.


Usually most people settle with the RIAA for a few thousand dollars, but Debbie took the case to court and asked for the RIAA to produce records of what files she supposedly downloaded, along with the dates of the downloads. The RIAA couldn’t produce the records and offered to withdraw the case.

Considering that, I would now consider any of the people who decide to choose the RIAA’s new policy of “settling before court” an idiot.


The only problem is that it costs money to go to court, even to just request the records. Most people probably figure lawyer costs + the chance of having to pay 10x the settlement amount isn’t worth the time/money. It’s extortion made possible by our court system.

The RIAA could have been responsible for her court fees since they brought the suit on… and couldn’t back it.

Yeah, the article says that. But, for most people, putting up absurd lawyer fees out of pocket, on the hopes that you win and are reimbursed, just isn’t possible.

Lovely :tup:


Usually most people settle with the RIAA for a few thousand dollars, but Debbie took the case to court and asked for the RIAA to produce records of what files she supposedly downloaded, along with the dates of the downloads. The RIAA couldn’t produce the records and offered to withdraw the case.

Considering that, I would now consider any of the people who decide to choose the RIAA’s new policy of “settling before court” an idiot.


yea but u know now they will start keeping records of that stuff so it dont happen again


yea but u know now they will start keeping records of that stuff so it dont happen again


Thats not really the point of this article. She requested to see what the RIAA was paying for their legal fees…and that the information they dont want to share. She wanted her fees to be taken care of by the Music giant and thet said she was asking too much…so she wants to see their legal bill.


Thats not really the point of this article. She requested to see what the RIAA was paying for their legal fees…and that the information they dont want to share. She wanted her fees to be taken care of by the Music giant and thet said she was asking too much…so she wants to see their legal bill.


i know but Shockwave said that he would say anyone that takes the settle before court from now on is an idiot but from now on they will be keeping those records from now on so it dont happen again


i know but Shockwave said that he would say anyone that takes the settle before court from now on is an idiot but from now on they will be keeping those records from now on so it dont happen again


:smiley: yeah, I am sure they will try to have their shit straight before wasting their time in the future.

Just in case any one was wondering this women was awarded the legal fee’s


The only problem is that it costs money to go to court, even to just request the records. Most people probably figure lawyer costs + the chance of having to pay 10x the settlement amount isn’t worth the time/money. It’s extortion made possible by our court system.


I realize that it costs money to go to court but the RIAA is using this “settle out of court” scheme to target those that don’t have the funds or knowledge to fight back.

It’s pretty apparent they target a lot of people that aren’t computer savy like middle age parents (like in this case). If you want to argue that go ahead but most of thse people wouldn’t have gotten caught in the first place if they were more careful and had a better understanding of safer downloading. The majority of these people (something like 95%) download music off clients like limewire or kazaa not realizing thats one of the most unsafe methods to download anything. Most of these people don’t even know what a torrent is, or the fact that its the hardest method of downloading for the RIAA to keep track of especially when using an IP blocker such as peerguardian 2 with updated block lists. Not to say that you still can’t get caught but theres much less risk involved.

Just another example that comes to mind is the girl that got interviewed in the downloading and filesharing edition of that RIT Magazine “The Reporter”. She was one of the people that was sued by the RIAA for using the DC++ hub here on campus last year, which the RIAA claims was something like the 2nd largest illegal file sharing network in the world. She claimed that some friend just told her about it, and she didn’t know she could get in trouble for sharing her whole music collection.

I mean obviously its personal preference when it comes down too it whether or not you want to fight it. Personally I would rather not go down without a fight but thats just me and not everyone can afford that.


i know but Shockwave said that he would say anyone that takes the settle before court from now on is an idiot but from now on they will be keeping those records from now on so it dont happen again


Yeah but excluding the daughter in the article, the mother was claiming that she hadn’t downloaded a thing, and asked for their records to prove it. As it turns out it was actually someone using an IP address assigned to an internet account in her name.