
So, on vacation this week and most of the time I can’t even leave the house cause I just don’t fucking feel like it…I know I am suppose to be lazy and do dink…but, I pretty much haven’t left the couch…I feel like a worthless piece of rubbish

I did leave today for a little bit…went into work actually to finish up some loose ends, but I think I’ve been outta the house like once and it was to go get drinks and shit…

go join a car club.

I am trying to join this neat club called KY or something
but they are busy until 5:30 so I’ll wait to tell them about my grand am…


so you went to work on your vacation :loser:


I can think of 11ty billion better things to do than even think about my job while on vacation.

you can burn me a copy of the VAG software.

you are.

vacation > job

lay around and watch tv and eat chips :smiley: who cares if you go out and be productive?

come get it if you are leaving work

don’t be mad because you aren’t getting that baby anytime soon :wink:

that’s the issue
while I agree with you
I still feel like I need to get something accomplished
Must be just me :bash:

so did you call?