My mind is on vacation, but I still have 3 more days of work

This is going to be a tough 3 days considering my brain checked out around 9am today, but I’m not on vacation until 5pm Friday. Anyone else going on vacation finding it very hard to concentrate on work?


i find it hard to concentrate everyday…i am off friday so thats like a mini vacation i guess

i leave the 26th and i’ve been counting down for the past 3 weeks, lol.

I can’t remember the last time I took a whole week off.:lol:
Sad really.

Would unemployement count as a vacation? If not, its been a good 3 or 4 years since I’ve had a real vacation.

I usually don’t take a whole week off until the week around Christmas. Except this year for my honeymoon.

i am going home to LI tomrow for 10 days, no work, no school for 10 days!!! but i have a final tonight that i cannot seem to concentrate on studying for. im so psyched to have it be over and me relax on my boat at home for a week.

i leave the 29th for a week in the adirondacks

i have 1 more day of vacation and my mind is on work… i dont know which is worse… i have off for mid-ohio next week so i guess ill be happy when my 11pm-3pm shift is over… doubles suck… where you goin on vacation?

I’m bouncing off the walls at work… I just want the next 2.5 weeks to go by as fast as possible… then I have a wedding on the 5th, get together on the 6th, and surgery on the 7th, followed by at least an entire month off of work!!!

Well, kinda vacation, the first week is all drugges on Loritabs, and crutches, but still should be good, and it’ll be great to get outta work for a while.

my mind is always on vacation. :slight_smile:

My grandparents have a summer cottage on the St. Lawrence river, right where it opens up to Lake St. Francis in Quebec. We’ll be towing the boat up there and staying until Thurs or Fri. The area on the river is much like the 1000 Islands, but with almost no boat traffic, and no tourists. There are only about 10 cottages on the point, and 1/2 of them are empty during the week because people only spend the weekend. Needless to say, it’s relaxing.