Monday's Suck

Especially after a long weekend.

Back to work :rant: :rant: :rant:


Fshowcars may have something to say about this…you infidel American workers!

I so did not want to wake up at 6 this morn, hit the snooze till 7, well worth it imo

I decided to stay home again. 6 days in a row now. I’m hunting… hunting for something to do at work! I’m waiting on several projects to come in, and taking vacation is “encouraged” instead of billing overhead. Bah!

It sucks hear the loud mouth asshole next to me tell everyone about her Thanksgiving, over and over again.

I work with him too!


i can’t wait to go home and pound beers…

fucking bullshit asshole mother fuckers is all i can say.

i feel like crap, and i am at my desk… I have to do an exchange migration all night too


my company is lucky I showed up. my motivation level is in the negatives.

I just want to say “I dont care about your damn sisters and family etc. I dont care about how good your turkey was. I dont care about you or your life”

:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: ^my new motto for the day, thank u.

exactly. why do people need to be so loud? I just want to walk up to her one day and say, “excuse me Gloria, can we please use our inside voice???”

You all summed it up … Pounding Beers, Motivation level in Negatives… And who really gives a flying f*ck about how the turkey was this year… BBBBAAAHHHH

off work today, just cleanin up some leaves then goin ridin :burnout:

Mondays always suck …

They just suck more after a nice long holiday weekend