
People are so rude…I am stuck working today ( no biggie really )

BUT it just seems like everyone and there mother is calling and bitching about pointless things!!! I know in a way it is just another day just like every other.

But you would think that these people would be a little nicer:

a. its Christmas Eve
b. because I am nice
c. they get presents tomorrow
d. i have there personal info. ( just kidding )
e. I am in control of helping them or NOT…don’t tell my managers that
f. because I think they should be

Seriously I have been at work since 7:30am …I leave at 4pm and so far 85% of the people I have talked to have been asscakes. I hope they all get drunk tonight and have hangovers till New Years just to have the ball then fall on them in New York City.

Why me???

I feel your pain, I do.

I’ve been working since 7:30 too. For the most part people have been pretty nice, but you got the bad apples that demand you cater to their every need because it’s Christmas… Sorry to tell them we’re pretty much the only department in Comcast that’s operating right around now.

Oh well, I guess it’s just par for the course… hang in there only 2 more hours!

Edit: Could be worse, I was low man on the totem pole last year and had to work Xmas day 4:00-12:30 AM… That kinda sucked, but at least it was slow.


I have been there, stuck working xmas eve in years past. It seems like people let the holiday stress get to them and you are just easy prey.

Work and xmas have actually been great for me this year when compared to years in the past. Last day was a half day on friday and then we went out to have the company xmas party. I was shit faced by 2:30 in the afternoon and Beth ended up having to drive me home. Good times.

I wish I could be working today. I just woke up and pissed because I’m stuck down here and won’t be able to be with my family. I think I’m going to get really wasted tonight. Or just go out and enjoi the empty roads for some sweet pictures.

thanks, yeah I agree with you guys too…I just hate it though. No one appreciates anything anymore. I worked on Thanksgiving for example and I got a couple customers that were HEATED because our Branches weren’t open. ( I work for Citizens Bank ) We are open 7 days a week in most cases. People are never happy.

But in regards to letting this holiday get you down, I found that I have been extremely happy to say the least. It has been a great month and well even at work I have enjoyed it. Though I have found myself feeling a tad bit stressed today. I need to keep my thoughts positive.

At least you didn’t go out drinkin’ last night…that would have made it worse!?!

Hang in there!!!

ahha yeah i’m happy about that…any weekend day where I have to work the following morning —thats all I think about. I just keep thinking I have to work in the AM---- which means either be a big LAMO or have the worst hangover at work. YUCK.

ill be working tomorrow… x-mas day. 7am-10pm tons of fun there. oaaahhhh yeah

i rather be working than spending time with my dad…

give me ur # i’ll make ur day better!

That’s mean:nono: … I only wish I could spend time with my Dad this Christmas…he lives in Arizona and I just haven’t had the time off to go see him. I am lucky though becuase I talk to him frequently.

NO WAY JOSE!!!:burnout:

:sadwavey: :hsdance:

you dont know my family or situation

so your mad becuase I said thats mean… I think you have been here long enough to take statements ( especially that simple ) LIGHTLY… Sorry if you were offended by that. No one’s families perfect.

I worked today too in Monroeville. Luckily and surprisingly it was NOT busy. I remember last year there was a 3 hour wait from the time we opened the door. Thank god for the Steeler game. The customers I did wait on today were nice for the most part. Except for the lady throwing a fit wanting to talk to the manager and go to the BBB because the payment machine wouldnt take her ripped up $20 bill :bash: :doh:

Where do you work at mustang03gt?

I was talking to my friend after she got off work. The stores she went into up there seemed pretty dead.


Ok. My friend works at Victoria’s Secret in the mall.