
pics of friend???

I’ll have some when she comes down to next week to visit. I was talkin it over with Chaz and Slo the other day while playing chess. Chaz was trying to get some free boobies advertisement. She didn’t go for it.

Since Mac is now my spokesmodel…what he said.

You guys think you have it bad remember your on the phone with them. I have to deal with them face to face. Last night I had a phone thrown at me because I wouldnt let a lady take her daughters bag out of the office. Between it being X-mas and the weather causing delays this week has sucked.

awww need a hug?

pics of Cricket? :naughty:

pics FTW…lol

and its solow geesh:rofl:

Not the Cricket yinz are thinking of…

I’ll remember that.